“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” - Mark Jenkins

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 13

Hey guys!
Well it’s been a pretty eventful/stressful/fun week. Christine really likes me working at Gymboree, and I think it’s because she knows if she asks me to do something, I’ll do it. Even if it really isn’t my responsibility or I don’t want to, I’m not one to say no to my boss or avoid doing the task, especially when it’s something that needs to be done. Last weekend was the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, so we had a marketing activity at the center after work on Sunday with about 30 families. It was pretty fun, but pretty last minute planned. The marketing department told Christine about a week before that they wanted us to perform for the little festival, so we had to hurry and figure that out. Christine then gave me the responsibility of finding the music, choreographing a dance, teaching everyone, making costumes/props, and being the soloist – this included wearing a very traditional Chinese costume, a solo dance, and having to memorize and recite a few lines in Chinese.

 It was a busy week, but it’s over now, thank goodness. The marketing activity was really fun and it went well. We did our little performance, had a magic show, and then the kids made moon cakes. They also could get their face painted and their picture taken with Chang E, the moon fairy (me), but most were afraid and didn’t want to. Kids are so backwards here. They love clowns and are afraid of fairies/princesses. Pretty much the opposite of kids in America, but whateves.
I also tried on Leading this week, finally. Christine let me know that she would be gone next week so I’d be taking over her Level 4 class during her absence. I then informed her that I had never even tried on leading, and she then tried to convince me that I had, many times. I really hadn’t, so she made me try on the next class, and I still have to take over her classes next week. Trying on went pretty well actually. I was a little nervous and spoke too quickly, and Christine gave me some notes on things to work on, but she was pleased with me overall. It was pretty easy actually, having taught Music for the last few months. Play is definitely easier than Music, but different, and will take some getting used to. William also tried on the whole assistant part and will be my assistant next week when taking over Christine’s classes. I’m not too excited about leading by myself with a newbie assistant who still doesn’t really know what he’s doing...but hopefully it will be ok. Thankfully she’ll only be gone this one week. I’m glad Christine is pleased with me. Today she told me that in her meeting with Jenny she was going to tell her about how much she appreciates my hard work and how great I am. She’s doing this in hopes that Jenny will then give us money to have a big instructor dinner before I go home :)
The theme for Music this week is Latin. I was pretty excited to sing lots of Spanish songs, but most of them are in Portuguese or translated into English. Only one of them is in Spanish actually, so that’s sort of a bummer. I don’t really like the lesson plan either, so it’s been a little bit of a disappointment, but classes are going fine thus far. I’ll be trying on more leading, and possibly be getting my own Play classes soon, but I’m not sure, it depends on scheduling. I really hope we enroll more kids soon because they’re taking some of my classes to give to Jessie and Sherry because they have so few. It doesn’t effect me money wise, so I really shouldn’t complain, but I’m sad I won’t get to teach those classes anymore. I’ll miss my kids :(
I didn’t do too much on my off day this week, just relaxed, cooked, cleaned, got a haircut, and did a little shopping. The haircut was interesting. I tried to use what little Chinese I’ve learned so far, but it’s pathetic how little I understand. Even when people talk slow, it’s just so hard for me to recognize the words. Ugh, hopefully it gets better by the time I come home. I was going to go to the Aquarium with A Do (Michael) this week, but that didn’t work out, so hopefully we’ll go next week. Oh, also next Monday we’re having a Center activity where everyone in our center will go bowling after work! Fun!
Chinese lessons are going ok. I really like my teacher Cathy, she’s way cool, but I’m not sure her teaching style is best for me. On top of that, I’m so busy with work and will be much more busy once my school books arrive. I hardly practice as it is, so once I jump into online school more heavily, I’m not sure I’ll practice much at all. We’ll see how things go after my books get here though, I may have to drop the lessons, but we’ll see. I’m actually a little worried about classes because my books should’ve arrived already but haven’t yet, and I’m already behind on assignments. Pray that they get here soon.
Well, I’m officially half way! I am on the downward slope, and I’m having such mixed feelings. I am feeling so depressed that I have to leave China so soon, leave my friends, my branch, my work, the kids. It’s so depressing. But at the same time, I’m so stoked to get back and get back into school hardcore and then to put in my papers for my mission! I’m so excited to see family and friends, and to go to the temple! Leaving China will be so sad, but going on with life and moving forward is always exciting and such an adventure! Being half-way done, I got half of my plane ticket reimbursement back. I am now feeling rich and wanting to see a little bit more of China. We have three days off for the National holiday next month and I’m thinking of going up to West Lake. It’s sort of a romantic place, very beautiful I’ve heard. I wouldn’t be going for romance, but a lovely trip away by myself. We’ll have to see if I can fit it into my budget though, I still have to save for Beijing. Leona will help me to look for train/plane tickets and hotel prices next week so I can start planning my Beijing trip. I plan on going at the end of October sometime, maybe for 3 or 4 days. As of right now, I’m planning on going by myself, but we’ll see if someone ends up coming with me. Sherry said she would want to go with me, but probably wont be able to get work off at the same time as me. I’ll be meeting the YSA’s in the Puxi branch this weekend, so maybe one of them will be interested.
We have district conference this weekend, yay! A general authority is coming! Yay again! I know that’s old news for those of you who live in Utah, but to have one come out in China, it’s pretty exciting. I’ll probably be a little late to the Adult session tomorrow, but will leave work as quickly as possible, so hopefully I don’t miss too much. I told Christine I will be a little late on Sunday, and she said it was fine. There is a YSA/SA meeting in the afternoon on Sunday that I won’t be able to attend  because I have class, so that’s a bummer, but I’m excited for the other meetings! Another exciting thing about coming home soon is not having to work on Sundays and being able to go to all meetings and Church activities.
Well, that’s life this week. The highlight was definitely the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. I have more pictures posted on my Facebook, so feel free to check them out. Love you all!

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